Thursday, January 27, 2011


It's been really cold (samui) lately, the type of temperature where you can't feel your face. Most days, as soon as I get home I jump in the shower to warm the numbness. I love to put frozen fingers under steaming hot water watching them slowly turn pink and wrinkly. In an effort to be productive in the cold weather I've been learning to ski. On Sunday I got a little bit excited after mastering a turning motion and after a successful run down the mountain I bailed hard, star fishing in the snow. Both my skis flew off and I twisted my leg. I had to get snow mobiled down to the very bottom of the mountain. I was that girl, oh the shame. After some over attentive medical treatment from a fretful Japanese man, my friends and I headed to the local onsen. Relaxing outside in steaming hot baths and feeling falling snow on your face was completely unreal, a very nice combination of hot and cold. Anyway, what this rant is leading to is that as a result of my minor injury I have been holed up in my apartmento revisiting only the finest of cringeworthy film classics...

She's all that. Top quality acting. Is it wrong that I like her better before the makeover? And what happened to Rachel Leigh Cook? 
Now and Then. The soundtrack to this is amazing. My childhood best friend and I watched this an unhealthy amount of times.
Election. Pick Flick. So so good.
Dawn Weiner has to be my biggest childhood hero. "you think you're hot shit but really you're just cold diarrhea"

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