Thursday, July 7, 2011


It's one year today since my Grandma passed away. I can hardly believe it. Instead of feeling sad I'm channeling my energy into thinking about the things I loved about my Grandma:

 -Her evening jumper selection that were bejeweled and embroidered for special nights when her and her husband went dancing

-The softness of her cheeks. They felt like silk, and smelt like lavender

-Her handwriting. The most beautiful I had ever seen

The things she made. Doilies, needlepoint masterpieces and long knitted scarves. Every piece she made was loaded with time and love

-Her ability to make killer pavlova

-The house she lived in; filled with antiques, trinkets and photographs

-Her collection of diamond rings, 5 stacked on each finger. Her hands were bedazzling

-The fact that she wasn't like most Grandmother's. She was very subdued with her emotions and affection, meaning a hug was incredibly significant. On my last visit she asked me for a kiss on the cheek. It was our way of knowing it was the last time we would see each other. I feel so lucky I got to say goodbye.